“Shut the door, Arthur,” Mrs. Simons told me. I just stared at her like some bumpkin getting his first look at the city. It weren’t what she wore so much as who was going to be wearing her, something I could tell at a glance…it wasn’t the suit she got on, that could be for any one of them, it was the stovepipe hat on the table, and the tinted glasses like the lifeguards wear down at Coney.
“That’s, uh, he, uh,” I stammered…she had warned me if I ever seen her in specs like that to book it away from her, and if the hat was on to book it double-time…bitter as he likely is on her, he’s got even more cause to do me some mischief.
Claire Simons and Arthur ‘Weegee’ Fellig appear in the short story ‘Saturday’s Children’ by Jesse Bullington, published in The New Hero: Vol 2.
Jesse Bullington spent the bulk of his formative years in rural Pennsylvania, the Netherlands, and Tallahassee, Florida. He is the author of the novels The Sad Tale of the Brothers Grossbart and The Enterprise of Death, and his short fiction and articles have appeared in numerous magazines, anthologies, and websites. He currently resides in Colorado, and can be found online at www.jessebullington.com.
All New Hero artwork by Gene Ha.
The Stone Skin Press Kickstarter and more information can be found here.
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